- The stonefish / Synanceiidae have been as a separate species since 2018 listed. This is because a previously unknown morphological feature was found that clearly the stonefish from the distinguishes Scorpaenidea.
- In the identification books, scorpionfish and lionfish are assigned to the family of scorpionfish/Scorpaenidea. This is not entirely correct, because the actual scorpionfish/Scoprparninae are a subfamily of the scorpionfish/Scorpaenidea.
- The lionfish / Pteroinae are a subfamily of the Scorpaenidea
SCORPIONFISH / Scorpaenidea
Of the approximately 350 known species, a large proportion live in tropical and subtropical seas. In the vicinity of coral reefs and lagoons, they use their adaptation to the environment as camouflage to hide from enemies and at the same time lie in wait for prey. Scorpionfish are bottom-dwellers and not fast swimmers. They are solitary predators. They eat smaller fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. As ambush hunters, they do not pursue their prey, but wait patiently until their victim is within reach, and then suck it in with a lightning-fast opening of their large mouths.
Reproduction is similar to that of the stonefish. The female lays her eggs in protected areas, which are fertilized and guarded by the males. After hatching, the young are independent and begin to feed on their own. The scorpionfish can reach an age of up to 15 years. Fortunately for us divers, the scorpionfish are territorial. This has the advantage that once you have spotted them, you can encounter, observe and photograph repeatedly. The Smallscale scorpionfish or Tasseled scorpionfish / Scorpaenopsis oxycephala is one of them.
LIONFISH / Pteroinae
The lionfish's habitat is the coral reefs in tropical and subtropical waters. Around 20 species are known. They are very different from the related scorpionfish. With the large fan-shaped pectoral fins with long, almost free-standing pectoral fin spines, the striking dorsal spines and the reddish coloration with white stripes, they cannot be overlooked. The dorsal spines of lionfish, like those of scorpionfish and stonefish are poisonous. The difference is that the venom of lionfish is much less potent. Nevertheless, the motto here is also hands off. The Common lionfish / Pterios miles
can be found on almost every dive in the Red Sea. Its feeding behavior is similar to that of the scorpionfish. It can open its mouth wide and suck in small fish swimming past at lightning speed. The Clearfin lionfish / Pterois radiata
is much more difficult to discover. It usually hangs from the ceiling of holes and caves in the reef and rarely swims freely. Lionfish can live up to 10 years. They are sexually mature after one year of life. Reproduction takes place, as with the scorpionfish, by the females laying eggs in protected places, which are then fertilized by the males. After just 1 ½ days, the fry hatch and begin to feed independently. When fully grown, lionfish reach a size of 20 to 40 cm. Quite the opposite of the shortfin dwarf lionfish/Dendrochirus brachypterus.
The Red Sea Walkman belongs to the same family as the stonefish. It is a little smaller, around 20cm when fully grown, but just as poisonous as the stonefish. Both the real stonefish and the Red Sea Walkman belong to the group of scorpionfish/Scorpaenidae. Known as scorpionfish and lionfish. But more about that in the Subipedia of the next SUBDate.
Photos: Johann Vifian
Source: Wikipedia /