Therefore SUBEX!
About Us

Therefore SUBEX!

SUBEX Sets The Standards For Diving

Discover why SUBEX is different from all other dive centers. Swiss Quality – made by SUBEX!

No Stupid Limits

No nonsensical, unnecessary depth and time limits when diving, but adventure: in accordance with the level of knowledge, reason and ability, divers are of course allowed to go to the recreational diving limit of 40 meters. There are no time limits, e.g. surfacing after 45 or 60 minutes, with SUBEX. Except for a few bars, the 10, 12 and 15 cylinder can be breathed empty. This means that you can enjoy diving for a long time, often twice as long as at other diving centers.

Welcome Dive

Free guidance and supervision on the first dive to start your diving holiday free of worry.

One For Four

Our diving operation is organized in such a way that the guide never accompanies more than a maximum of four guests per dive. Before the dive, he will inform you in detail about the expected conditions in terms of topography, wildlife, currents and the relevant safety measures. Each dive is designed by the guide as an adventure dive and then discussed with you in detail about what you have seen. It goes without saying that all training takes place in the same maximum ratio.

SUBEX air28

This is the combination of two safety-relevant elements for recreational divers. Firstly: Diving with the air28 breathing air mixture (28% O² + 72% N²) and secondly, the dive computer is not switched to 28% O², but remains in normal breathing air mode (21% O² + 78% N²).

The use of this combination is unique worldwide and has only advantages.
a) It increases safety regarding decompression
b) The positive effect of diving with Nitrox
c) No restriction of the recommended maximum diving depth of 40m
d) No additional training required

You can find interesting press articles on SUBEX air28 under Downloads.


You are a SUBEX member from your very first dive and benefit from attractive discounts. Every 11th dive is free. If you book and pay in advance, you will receive a discount. Recommend SUBEX to others and receive a voucher worth CHF 60 for every new customer booking.
Find out more under: SERVICE - SUBEX-Member System


The most beautiful and easiest way to experience diving “up close” in the truest sense of the word: Discover and enjoy the unique feeling of weightlessness with just a swimsuit, ABC and diving equipment with regulator.

Free from constricting neoprene, with diving equipment reduced to a minimum, feel and move like a fish in the water. Swimming, twisting, turning, pirouettes, somersaults forwards and backwards, diving without resistance, simply gliding through the water, no adjectives are enough to describe it.

FUN Diver

The SUBEX FUN Diver is a special training program developed for the nosy holiday maker to whom one introductory dive is not enough and a whole diving course is too much. The course contains 3 dives and is equivalent to the SSI/PADI Scuba Diver.
You can find more information under: SERVICE - Diving for beginners

Family Offer

Diving on family vacation?!!
A family (2 people or more) with at least one child under the age of 16, at least 2 of whom are diving on the same vacation, can benefit from our family benefits. The family benefits are valid with advance payment and on site. This includes parents with a small child and single parents!

Families with at least 2 people doing the same training at the same time receive 10% per person as a family discount.

No Hidden Fees

The prices for our services include the mandatory fees and charges. This means that VAT TAX, entertainment TAX, exit permits, natur park fees, reef tax etc. are not charged as additional fees.

Credit card payment

Credit card payments are free of charge and possible in Euro, US Dollar or egyptian pound.

Hurghada Weather

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25°CWater Temp
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